It appears to me that WKWebView uses its own Sandbox that is nested within the App Sandbox, Sandbox. As I haven't shipped any new apps on the Mac App Store that use the HTMLViewer (WKWebView) I've not noticed this, however in replacing the help viewer with our own to overcome bugs in Apple's Help Viewer, I needed to make it work, below is how I accomplished that.
App Wrapper 4.4 Alpha 4 or newer includes an auto-entitlement add for the Xojo HTMLViewer and App Sandbox. A pre-release version is available from
Public Sub loadPageWithAccessToFolder(extends h as HTMLViewer, inPage as folderItem, inRootFoolder as folderItem)
#if targetMacOS and XojoVersion >= 2020.01 then
// --- Originally created in July 2020. <--- Leave this info here so it's easier to track which version of the code.
// First published Sep 1st 2020.
// Updated Dec 9th 2021.
// written by Sam Rowlands of
// Apple documentation for this API:
declare function NSClassFromString lib "Foundation"
( inClassName as CFStringRef ) as integer
declare Function NSURL_fileURLWithPathIsDirectory lib "Foundation"
selector "fileURLWithPath:isDirectory:"
( NSURLClass as integer, path as CFStringRef, directory as boolean) as integer
declare function WKWebView_loadFileURL lib "WebKit"
selector "loadFileURL:allowingReadAccessToURL:"
( WKWebViewInstance as integer, URL as integer, readAccessURL as integer ) as integer
dim NSURLClass as integer = NSClassFromString( "NSURL"
dim pageULR as integer = NSURL_fileURLWithPathIsDirectory( NSURLClass, inPage.nativePath, )
dim folderURL as integer = NSURL_fileURLWithPathIsDirectory( NSURLClass, inRootFoolder.nativePath, )
// --- Now that we have our page and folder, fire away!
dim result as integer = WKWebView_loadFileURL( h.handle, pageULR, folderURL )
h.loadPage inPage
End Sub
Which is then used like below, with the folderitem 'book' being my root folder, failing that it uses the folder 'localizedContent' instead.
// HTMLViewer1.loadpage f
HTMLViewer1.loadPageWithAccessToFolder f, if( book <> nil, book, localizedContent )
Public Sub loadHTMLStringWithAccessToFolder(extends h as HTMLViewer, inHTMLContent as string, inRootFoolder as folderItem)
#if targetMacOS and XojoVersion >= 2020.01 then
// --- Originally created Dec 9th 2020. <--- Leave this info here so it's easier to track which version of the code.
// written by Sam Rowlands of
// Apple documentation for this API:
declare function NSClassFromString lib "Foundation"
( inClassName as CFStringRef ) as integer
declare Function NSURL_fileURLWithPathIsDirectory lib "Foundation"
selector "fileURLWithPath:isDirectory:"
( NSURLClass as integer, path as CFStringRef, directory as boolean) as integer
declare function WKWebView_loadHTMLString lib "WebKit"
selector "loadHTMLString:baseURL:"
( WKWebViewInstance as integer, inString as CFStringRef, baseURL as integer ) as integer
// --- Now that we have our page and folder, fire away!
dim result as integer = WKWebView_loadHTMLString( h.handle, _
inHTMLContent, _
NSURL_fileURLWithPathIsDirectory( NSClassFromString( "NSURL"
), _
inRootFoolder.nativePath, ) )
h.loadPage inHTMLContent, inRootFoolder.childAt( 0 )
End Sub
Which is then used like below, with the folderitem 'inLocation' being my root folder.
// HTMLViewer1.loadPage pageHTML, inlocation.child( "test.html" )
HTMLViewer1.loadHTMLStringWithAccessToFolder pageHTML, inLocation