Xojo used to provied an option (folderitem.MacVRefNum) for checking this, but not in recent version, and there's zero mention of this with API 2.0. Thankfully I was able to write out the declares to replace it.
The following code uses the Ohanaware App Kit, but you should be able to translate it to your macOS library of choice.
// --- Now to determine if two files are on the same volume.
Dim sourceURL as integer = app.dataFolder.NSURL
Dim destURL as integer = newDestination.NSURL
Dim nsError as integer
Dim sourceVolume as integer
if NSURLGetResourceValue( sourceURL, sourceVolume, "NSURLVolumeIdentifierKey", nsError ) = false then
MsgBoxError "Cannot check the current source file's volume", NSErrorLocalizedDescription( nsError ), currentMethodName
end if
Dim destinationVolume as integer
if NSURLGetResourceValue( destURL, destinationVolume, "NSURLVolumeIdentifierKey", nsError ) = false then
MsgBoxError "Cannot check the destinations's volume", NSErrorLocalizedDescription( nsError ), currentMethodName
end if
if NSObjectisEqual( sourceVolume, destinationVolume ) then
// --- Yes, they're on the same volume, we can move.
// --- Not they're not on the same volume.
end if