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Packing Page

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When enabled, App Wrapper will perform the packing as defined by the options on this page. When disabled, Packing can also be invoked by selecting "Pack" from the "Process" menu.

Package Name

Is where the file name is set for the archives. This field supports dynamic text (Read about Dynamic Text).

Make Websafe

Auto renaming of the archives so that the file names are safe for web servers and such.

Zip File

Enables the creation of a Zip file when packing. The file name that is displayed next to the Zip option is a result of the Package Name and Dynamic Text.


Creates a  App Store safe installer (required for  App Store submission). The code signing identity displayed next the Installer option is used to create a signed installer.

DMG File

Creates a DMG file, using either DMG Canvas or DropDMG. Options for either application are configured below the selector.

 App Store Encryption Compliance

When applications are submitted to the  App Store, this option is to signify that the application doesn't contain encryption that is prevented for sale outside of the United States of America. More information can be found by clicking on the "Help" icon in this section.

Submit to Apple

Configure the options to use when submitting the application to Apple for either Notarization or to their  App Store. It requires the use of an active Apple Developer account.


When either option is enabled, App Wrapper will submit the archives to Apple upon successful packing. If this option is disabled, App Wrapper will offer the ability to manually upload created archives.

On Completion

Once everything above has been completed, options set here will be run.