Monday, December 4, 2023


Sleep Aid Icon

Sleep Aid 1.4 with fixes for macOS Sonama

Apple adds an option to disable the hourly wakes it added to Ventura.

Monday, December 4, 2023 - Sam Rowlands

Back in Ventura, Apple added a new on-top of existing systems that would wake the Mac once an hour or every 90 minutes. I tried everything I could think of to put a stop to it and almost got there, but sadly on Apple Silicon Macs, this would often lead to what we dubbed "Restless Mac Syndrome", where the Mac would then wake multiple times a minute or even a second.

I also couldn't find a solution for "Restless Mac Syndrome", this was frustrating and embarrassing. I reached out to Apple and was informed that it is most likely a bug.

Solution in sight

First of all, I'd like to thank Apexde, jaymonkey and sourceLocation for discovering "Smart Power Nap" in macOS Sonoma, and figuring out a solution to disable it.

After weeks of design and testing, I've now integrated the solution in a version of Sleep Aid.

You can currently download a beta from our prerelease page.

Another fix needed for new Sonoma features

Apple also changed how apps can read other apps settings, this introduced a new issue with the "Screen Time" tracking recently added to Sleep Aid. It would produce a warning dialog, with no indication as to where it came from or what it meant, which would lock the app on Sleep. This caused Sleep Aid to not record ANY information at all.

For this test version, I've removed "Screen Time" settings, until I can find an elegant solution.