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Property List Issues

Unable to read the "Info.plist"

There was a problem and App Wrapper couldn't read the Info.plist file from the source application.

The plist file is in the wrong format, it should be in the XML based format.

There's two types of plist files, and the Info.plist should be the text based version. A future version of App Wrapper will auto fix this.

Unable to process the "Info.plist"

It means that App Wrapper dynamic text replacement has broken the plist file. This needs to be reported to Ohanaware ASAP. Select "Contact Ohanaware" from the "Help" menu, please include as much information as possible and a link to download your application.

<Key/> is blank and should be removed

Select "Information Property List" from the "Edit" menu, find the item with the same name and remove it. Unless you put it there for a reason.

Please fill out "<Key/>" on the "General" Page.

It means that App Wrapper couldn't find a value for these items and thinks they should be there. Switch to the "General" page and fill in the named item.

Minimum OS version must be greater than macOS 10.6.6

The  App Store needs the minimum OS version to be greater than 10.6.6, Switch to the "General" Page and select a higher version.

Application Category required for the  App Store

The  App Store requires this to be filled out, you can ignore it if you're ignoring the  App Store. Switch to the "General" Page and choose from one of the Categories.

Copyright required for the  App Store

The  App Store requires this to be filled out, switch to the "General" Page and fill in the Copyright field.

Bundle Identifier cannot be blank

The bundle identifier is a unique identifier for this application, therefore it cannot be blank. Select "Information Property List" from the "Edit" menu, and add an entry of type string with the key "CFBundleIdentifier". A bundle identifier should be a reverse domain format using the name of the application and your company name. App Wrapper's is "com.ohanaware.appWrapper4RG2".

Bundle Identifier "<value/>" contains invalid characters

Please remove these characters from the application's bundle identifier in the development tool. If the development tool doesn't have the option to do so, select "Information Property List" from the "Edit" menu, and add an entry of type string with the key "CFBundleIdentifier", make sure the value entered does not contain the characters identified. i.e. "com.ohanaware.appWrapper4RG2".

Bundle Identifier "<value/>" contains a blank segment

".." is considered a blank segment and Apple doesn't like it for some of their services. A bundle identifier should be a reverse domain format using the name of the application and your company name. App Wrapper's is "com.ohanaware.appWrapper4RG2".

UTI "<value/>" should be in UTImportedTypeDeclarations

App Wrapper has detected that a common file type is in the "UTExportedTypeDeclarations" listing, which means that this application is claiming ownership of a common file type. This causes all kinds of weird file associations with the macOS. Apple knows of this problem, but refuse to do anything about it.