There was a problem when trying to read the entitlements that are contained within the App Wrapper document. Please use "Contact Ohanaware" from the "Help" menu and include the document so we can take a look.
There was a problem when trying to read the entitlements that are contained within the App Wrapper document. Please use "Contact Ohanaware" from the "Help" menu and include the document so we can take a look.
App Wrapper has detected that the App Sandbox is disabled, but the key has been manually added to the Entitlement data. Select "Entitlements" from the "Edit" menu and remove the key.
App Sandbox is enabled, however no other keys are specified, which makes the app very crippled in its capabilities. Throughly test the application and make sure that it works as expected.
Hardened Runtime is enabled, however no other keys are specified, which reduces the application's capabilities. Throughly test the application and make sure that it works as expected.
Security-Scoped Bodegmarks will not work on macOS versions lower than Mac OS X 10.7.3, set the minimum OS version on the "General" page to be 10.7.3 or newer.
The Application Groups entitlement will not work on macOS versions lower than Mac OS X 10.8.3, set the minimum OS version on the "General" page to be 10.8.3 or newer.
When submitting this application to the App Store, use the Notes field to explain why this key is needed. Be prepared for Apple to refuse usage of this key, which means functionality will have to be removed from this application. Occasionally Apple can be rather stupid in their usage of this rejection, with developers being told they're not even allowed to print from their applications. If your rejection is something basic like this, simply ask for a Human to contact you. It takes about 5 days, but getting a person on the phone is less frustrating than dealing with the App Store Reviewers
When submitting this application to the App Store, use the Notes field to explain why this key is needed. Be prepared for Apple to refuse usage of this key, which means functionality will have to be removed from this application. Occasionally Apple can be rather stupid in their usage of this rejection, with developers being told they're not even allowed to print from their applications. If your rejection is something basic like this, simply ask for a Human to contact you. It takes about 5 days, but getting a person on the phone is less frustrating than dealing with the App Store Reviewers
Be prepared for Apple to refuse allowing this application to script <application/>, investigate alternative methods of accomplishing the same functionality. If no alternatives can be found, use the Notes field when submitting to Apple to explain why this is needed. On rejection, ask Apple to call you.
Select "Entitlements" from the "Edit" menu and update this key to match the teamID shown.
Some entitlements (and related functionality) only work from a App Store application, check this application thoroughly to see if that's the case. Functionality may need to be removed for the non-App Store version.
Use the "Capabilities" Page to fill in the section next to this key.