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Apple Submission Issues

Failed retrieving request UUID for upload

This is another name for "You must first sign the relevant contracts online".

You must first sign the relevant contracts online

This old chestnut, they may appear in one of the 3 following locations.

Can’t establish an authentication session

This one can means several things.

Your Apple ID account is attached to other iTunes providers.

  1. Select "Packing" from the left hand sidebar.
  2. Click on the "Edit" button next to the account in the "Submit To Apple" section of that page.
  3. Click on the triangle next to "More Options".
  4. Select "This account is attached to multiple iTunes providers".
  5. Click on "Lookup" and wait, this process can take a minute or two (it is very slow).
  6. Once done, click on the down arrow of the Combobox next to "Team shortname" and select the appropriate name.
  7. Click on "Save", then select "Pack" from the "Process" menu at the top of the App Wrapper window.

Sign in with the app-specific password you generated

You need to enter a App Specific password and not your developer ID password.

  1. Click on the "Edit" button, next to the selected submission account in the "Packing" page of App Wrapper.
  2. Follow the Apple Guide on creating an App-Specific Password. support.apple.com/en-gb/HT204397
  3. Once the password has been generated, enter it into the Account Editor of App Wrapper.
  4. Click the "Verify Account" button to confirm.
  5. Once okay, try to Notarize again.

Unable to process upload done request at this time due to a general error (1018)

Another general error that may have many possible reasons and solutions.

General tips for troubleshooting

If the error message doesn't match any of the above please consider trying these options.